Ask Haley Your Tax Questions!
Haley Flores is our newest customer service rep at J and B Financial. Feel free to ask her your auto insurance or income tax questions....

Tax Season Starts On January 29, 2018
The 2018 Income Tax filing season starts on January 18th. At J and B Financial, we started giving our clients income tax refund and tax...

Win A Trip To Las Vegas!
Happy New Year's! I am sitting in my home office working on some cool things to do for my clients this year. I hear cool people like cool...

2017 J and B Christmas Toydrive
Despite our visit from Hurricane Harvey earlier this year, Santa still found a way to visit families in our area. We merged our toy drive...

Being A Client Has It's Perks!
I was at lunch earlier today and something was really bothering me. I couldn't figure out what is was at first. It was like I had forgot...

We Are Still Toy Driving!
J and B Financial will be accepting donations for our 3rd Annual toy drive all the way until the 21st of December! All donations will go...

Happy Thanksgiving
J and B Financial wants to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. We are super thankful for all the support that our neighbors...

Help us Help Others Have A Merry Christmas.
We are starting our Third Annual J and B Financial Toy Drive for the 2017 Holiday season! We will be accepting new toys and clothing...

Our company is excited to be a sponsor for The MontStars. a men's softball team, at the Big League Dreams Complex in League City. Most of...

Things Get Scary When You Get Outta Control!
Our company will be one of the sponsors for the Outta Control Cookers this Friday and Saturday October 27th to 28th@ The Pasadena Rodeo...